This art project was created in Venice in 2008, including and connecting two exhibition spaces: Academy of Fine Arts and my (artist’s) home. At the time, these two spaces were where I spent most of my time creating and exploring art. This project is therefore an autobiographic expression, just like an interactive self-portrait about living between these two spaces, where the spectator is also included as he follows the “umbilical” cord from one exhibition space to the other. In the public space the cord is black or white, but when the cord reaches one of the exhibited spaces it changes into three cords in primary colours (red, blue and yellow), which all disappear between the art works displayed in the exhibition space. The artist invites the spectator to live this everyday connection between the spaces and to recognize the differences between them. The room at the Academy is presented as the usual institutional space where artists generally present themselves to the public. On the other hand, the room at the artist’s home is an in-time / personal space where the artist lives and works alone. The original title of the project is actually a play on words (in italian) ”Cordone ombelicale od ombelico cordonale”, which symbolically represents the idea of this connection between the two spaces: institutional and personal, including public space as a place where the connection exists.
This photo represents the Institutional part of the exhibition spaces.
“Man&Woman”, sculptures, exhibited at the institutional part of the exhibition…
“Artist book” and other installation works presented at the institutional space..
“Long Collages” exhibited at the institutional part of the exhibited spaces
“Overdose of Art” and “Long Collages” exhibited at the institutional part …
“The Traveller” exhibited at the institutional part of exhibited spaces..
..going out from the institutional exhibited space this three cords become one – white/black one which then goes through the public space to the private space.
White (and black) cord is connecting two exhibited spaces over the public space
Again three cords primary colors appear when entering at the private/intimate part of the exhibition spaces.
Room from the artist, intimate/personal part of the exhibited spaces..
“Long Collages” exhibited also in the private part of the spaces..
artist´s room, the private/intimate part of the exhibited spaces