I am a slave to the need to create and the only freedom for me is the act of creation itself. World is full of arguments, paradoxes, destructions, hurry and tears. The artist´s role here is torn between the sacredness of mischievous poetry and the impatience of everyday life that constantly brings new situations and with them ideas and inspirations. As an artist, I am recounting the tale of my life, writing the poem of my discovery and painting my emotions, constantly filing time and space with unstoppable ideas. I study life and my artworks are results of my studies.
This series was born in November of the year 2013 and it is for me representing a new circle of paintings in my creativity. In 2000, when I bought for the first time in my life a canvas and colors, i started to paint with oil colors on canvas. I felt myself as a painter. Then for many years I was using collage with acrylic colors as a main technique for realizing my ideas. I was feeling myself as an artist. What happened is that my painting part of work became just like a decorative part of the work, because collage has already took the place for the main part of the expression. So, I decided now, to make a new series of paintings without collages, which are also telling us long stories, but this time without items attacked on canvas, just with painting. I feel myself now as human being, trying to find again old painter inside myself and give some discipline to the artist.
Artworks from this series were to date exhibited at these exhibitions:
– Group exhibition “Berlino in Arte” at Aquabit Gallery in Berlin, Germany 2014
– Group exhibition “Sense of life” at Sabrina Falzone Gallery in Milan, Italy 2014
– Solo exhibition at Slovenian Embassy in Brussels, Belgium 2014
– Solo exhibition “Artistrate” at Caffè degli Artisti, Berlin, Germany 2015
– Group Exhibition “GAPI in Geoge island”, Haegeumgang Theme Museum, South Korea 2015
– Group Exhibition “People & Eastern Art” at Ahvaz Contemporary Art Museum in Tehran, Iran 2016
– Group Exhibition “Environment & Coexistence”, Haegeumgang Theme Museum, South Korea 2016
– Group Exhibition “Portraits”, Kunstforum Arabellapark, Munich, Germany 2016/17
– Group Exhibition at Private Office Berlin, Marburger Straße 2, Berlin, Germany 2016/17
Artworks from this series are NOW ON SALE at Online Gallery Singulart.
For more information about artworks from this series do not hesitate to contact me at: artist@veronikaban.com
“Life Time”
Acrylic colors, charcoal, crayons and varnish on canvas.
Berlin, November 2013.
I started to paint this painting through big emotional necessity first days of November 2013 in Berlin while my father was dying because of stomach cancer in hospital in Italy. Since I could not be there with him at the time, I felt connected with him through painting this canvas. It helped me to stay connected to myself as well. As I am a very emotional person, sometimes I use art to project all these big emotions back out from inside me and in this way I help myself to keep my soul clean from carrying too much weight. On this canvas we can see symbolically presented tree of life in four seasons, growing through the seat where the food is actually the sky with clouds and backrest from the chair is a clock without hands.
Acrylic colors and varnish on canvas.
Berlin, January/February 2014. * This artwork is NOW ON SALE ONLINE at Singulart!
This particular painting is inspired by a photo that my daughter took of me, while I was painting with my hair. And this moment become like a symbol for me; because hair is a symbol of life and painting is a symbol of my work. So, this subject of painting with hair it could be a symbol of this symbiosis between my life and my work, which is actually Art. My art is my story, my poetry of life… and everybody can reflect in it. We all are human beings, searching for the truth and happiness in our lives.
“Artist Angel”
Acrylic colors and glossy liquid varnish on canvas.
Berlin, March 2014.
This artwork remind us to believe that artist should be like an angel in our hurry business society. An artist should always stay spiritual and his/her artworks should always continuing to educate, to open the minds of people and bring them creativity and inspiration in their every-day lives.
Acrylic colors and glossy liquid transparent varnish on canvas.
Berlin, March/April 2014. * This artwork is NOW ON SALE ONLINE at Singulart Gallery!
Just try to imagine that everything in this world has a story. Everyone or everything you can see on this planet has a particular story about life. And if we could just for a moment hear all these stories, we would probably speak, judge, speculate, hurry and fight much less then we usually do in our lives. At least I hope so, and that´s why with this artwork I encourage everybody to try to listen the life with it´s subtle subtitles!
“Being Fast”
Acrylic colors and glossy liquid transparent varnish on canvas.
Berlin, July/August 2014 * This artwork is NOW ON SALE ONLINE at Singulart Gallery!
In this summer something happened that suddenly changed my life. It started to drive me crazy from my past to my future. I don’t know exactly what happened but it is an important movement which is changing me from one moment to another. It is unbelievable how fast my thoughts and feelings are changing. And the most important power here is this movement which is impossible to describe with the words. But I can learn and teach here, that everything is relative and there is no universal truth. The only universal truth could be the movement itself.
“Contemporary Diptych”
Acrylic colors on canvas
Berlin, November 2014
“Back to the roots!”
Acrylic colors, crayons and varnish on canvas
Berlin, February 2015.
“A Temple Garten”
Acrylic colors on canvas.
Berlin, May 2015.
This artwork was inspired by a poem A Temple Garten of Taro Aizu for a group exhibition Gogyoshi Art Project International, organized at the Haegeumgang Theme Museum, Korea in 2015.
“Keep Walking!”
Charcoal, acrylic colors and varnish on canvas.
63x43x3cm with frame.
Berlin, April 2015.
This artwork leaves freedom to all possible interpretations. But for me it presents that moments in life, when we just need to keep walking. Not always life is easy and not always we have the power to see it optimistically. But if we at least have one good friend or one good decision in our lives; someone or something which reminds us to keep going on, to “keep walking” …then…this is the moment described here in this artwork.
“Portrait of Ibrahim”
Charcoal, crayons, acrylic colors and varnish on paper.
Berlin, June 2015.
“Birth of Venus”
Charcoal and acrylic colors on paper
Berlin, July 2015
“Abstract Improvisation”
Charcoal and acrylic colors on cardboard
Berlin, November 2015 * This artwork is NOW ON SALE ONLINE at Singulart Gallery!
“..always work in progress..just like a pianist practicing a piano..”
Acrylic colors on cardboard
Berlin, January 2016
“Philosophers at discussion”
Acrylic colors on cardboard
Berlin, January 2016
“Winter Time”
Acrylic colors on canvas
Berlin, February 2016
“Growing Flower in my studio..”
Charcoal, clay, acrylic colors and varnish on cardboard panel.
Berlin, April 2016
“Spring Time in the Magic Forest”
Charcoal, acrylic colors and varnish on canvas
53x53x3cm with frame
Berlin, May 2016
“The Temple Garten”
Acrylic colors on canvas
Berlin, May 2016
This painting was made purposely for a first GAPi group exhibition at the Museum of Kumano in Kumanovo, Macedonia in August 2016. The inspiration for this art work is a poem “The Temple Garten” written by Korean poet Taro Aizu.
“A Poetry Letter”
Acrylic colors on canvas
Berlin, May 2016
This art work was made purposely for a group exhibition “Environment & Coexistence” at Haegeumgang Theme Museum in South Korea , August 2016.
“Emotional Landscape”
Acrylic colors on canvas
Berlin, June 2016
“Seashell Landscape”
Acrylic colors, charcoal and varnish on canvas
Berlin, July 2016
“Summer Landscape”
Collage painting with acrylic colors, cardboard, glue and varnish on canvas.
Berlin, August 2016
Acrylic colors on canvas.
54x54x3cm with frame
Berlin, August 2016
“Back to The Nature”
Acrylic colors on canvas.
54x74x3cm with colored wooden frame.
Berlin, August 2016
“Searching for Memories”
Acrylic colors on canvas.
Berlin, September 2016.
“Wise Woman”
Acrylic colors on canvas.
Berlin, December 2016.
“Fighter For Freedom”
Acrylic colors on canvas.
Berlin, December 2016.
Acrylic colors on canvas.
Berlin, March 2017
“Secret Woman”
Acrylic colors on canvas
Berlin, October 2017
“New Life Story”
Acrylic colors on canvas
44x54cm with frame.
Berlin, November 2017
“Bricks Society”
Acrylic colors on canvas
100x200cm (diptych)
Berlin, January 2018