Portraits * 2020/22


Portraits of people are for me like life stories, presenting not just a moment or a picture of a person, but a story of a person and the connection or importance that this person has to me or society around me. The character and position of this person in my life or my society, is usually the inspiration point, bringing then also my personal connection to this person in it and coloring it with emotions. Even if the person is imaginary or an unknown person, it has an original and unique story to tell. Everybody has a story, or said even better, everybody or everything is a story. This series started with the picture “Life is like playing chess.. one move can change everything..” Well, chessboard has been since the beginning of my creativity a symbol for life and decisions we make in our life that then define actually our life story. Every person is a collection of this decisions and also possibilities, mixed with emotions, thoughts and limits.. However, i do not want to write too much about it, as I am actually a visual artist and not a writer. Somehow i like to believe that as soon as my artwork is finished, also my work is finished.. i am not here to write or describe my artwork, i am here to make it , to create it ; and when i finish, is actually your turn my dear audience to see it, to feel it and to describe it. Please send me some feedback and critics, observations and interpretations, it is always very nice to hear/read interpretations and impressions from the spectators. Thank you for your attention, support and interaction! Cheers! 🙂

“Life is like playing chess.. one move can change everything..” is the first artwork in this series. This artwork is already sold, but please welcome to visit my online art gallery for more information and more photos of this painting, clicking HERE.

This is a portrait of a singer, actress, influencer and activist Ariana Grande. She is an idol of many teenagers and young ladies which admire her as a woman and as a person. She is worldwide well known artist and celebrity. The “pop-colors” chosen for the background of the painting are symbolically presenting her music-style. The gray shadows in the chessboard-layer of color on the painting are symbolically presenting the life story and many ups and downs that she had in her life. Even if you are a superstar celebrity and successful in business this does not mean that everything in life is easy. She had many difficult moments in her life, where money could not help her with her sad emotions and fears. However, she is a strong women, going as a winner through all obstacles and this is what makes her even stronger in life. She somehow became a symbol of a strong contemporary woman. This artwork is now on sale! Do not hesitate to contact me directly on my email or my social media for getting more informations about this painting and please feel welcome to check out more photos and description of this piece of art at online art gallery Singulart, clicking HERE. Thank you for your attention and your support!

Mysterious woman is a portrait of a woman artist, writer and poet, painter and an actress. She is full of stories and secrets, she is so powerful and so vulnerable at the same time. She is incredible attentive and careful, but also impulsive and spontaneous. Different layers of colors and collage in the form of chessboard on the background of the painting are creating the atmosphere and somehow symbolically presenting her live story. The mysterious woman is someone that everybody knows but nobody really knows her. This painting is now on sale! Do not hesitate to contact me directly for getting more information about this artwork and welcome to see more photos of this painting at online art gallery Singulart, clicking HERE.

Self-portrait * This artwork is a symbolic portrait of an artist woman. Being a woman and mother, active as an artist in this competitive society is not easy. This self-portrait reflects the life situation and position as a woman artist and mother.

This art painting is a symbolic portrait of Frida Khalo. She is an important Mexican painter who continues to inspire many contemporary artists and collectors today. As an artist, Frida Khalo worked on her life in her works; her suffering, chronic illness, marriage problems, as well as social and political problems. Biographical art, inspired by life and society, is also very characteristic for me as an artist. Art can also be a therapy or analysis, a meaningful activity that moves us all forward. Art is not only about painting something beautiful that it fits well on the wall, but also about a lot more, such as philosophy, life analysis, psychology, sociology and history as well as politics. So this work of art is not just a portrait of Frida Khalo but also a symbolic artwork that speaks and inquires about life and it also serves as a tribute to all artists inspired by life stories.. This artwork is now on sale! Please do not hesitate to contact me directly or to check out more about this artwork on Singulart art gallery, clicking HERE.

She * acrylic colors, wood pieces and varnish on canvas * 60x70cm * made in 2020 in Berlin

She” is an artwork presenting a young woman, ready to meet someone special or maybe she wants to go to party or maybe just making a video for her social media. Well, in 2020 there is difficult situation for young people full of energy and needs to socialize. Because of corona virus there are many restrictions and many young people are getting frustrated because of this. However, she is in a good mood and she get herself ready, for whatever it is, she enjoy putting make up and making her hair.. she is still optimistic and enjoy making herself beautiful. Different various layers of the painting with glued objects create special atmosphere and what makes this artwork so special, is that it is actually made with 4 small canvases and so creating an irregular form of an artwork. This 4 canvases can be very easily putted on the wall in two minutes, you just need to measure it before where to put the nails. For more informations do not hesitate to contact me. This artwork is now on sale! Contact me directly on my social media or my email address for more informations about this piece of art and feel welcome to see more photos of this artwork at online art gallery Singulart, clicking HERE. You can also see a short presentation movie about this artwork on my Youtube Channel, clicking HERE.

Commission work * painting on canvas with frame * 34x44cm * made in Berlin in 2020

Would you like to have a portrait of yourself or maybe you are looking for an original gift for someone special? Do not hesitate to contact me for commission work; just send me a photo and information about your budget and your location and we can make a deal about dimensions and price of the portrait.

“Rise up!” is a symbolical artwork, speaking about woman as a struggling one in the society. Well, let´s just remember how many revolutions and fights were necessary to bring a position of woman at least on the paper to the equivalent as a position of a men. And still there are too many countries where a woman alone can not do anything and where a woman alone has no rights and possibilities to exist independently from others and have a dignity. However, even if there is bit of worry in her eyes to feel, she looks quite optimistic and inspired i would say. This artwork is now on sale. Do not hesitate to contact me directly for more information about the painting. Welcome also to visit the profile of this artwork at online art gallery, clicking HERE.

Woman Poetry is a symbolic work of art that is about a female artistic soul. The poetic atmosphere and chaotic background, full of philosophical thoughts and female icons, is the creative environment of a new point of inspiration. For too long time in human history it has been taken for granted that only a man can work as an artist and not a woman. Not only in painting, but also in theater and poetry, it was always very difficult for a woman to break through. Or did she have to come from a rich family or marry a powerful man, otherwise she wouldn’t have a chance to be an artist. And this history can still be felt today in every step of an female artist. And every work of art feels like it is the result of a struggle, a struggle for survival. This artwork is now on sale! Contact me directly or visit Singulart online gallery for more pictures and more info about this painting, clicking HERE.

This artwork speaks about Corona virus situation around the World in 2020 and 2021. Empty cities, lockdowns, masks, isolation, quarantine.. People in different places around the globe are feeling this same fear, the loneliness, uncertainty.. This portrait of the woman with mask is a symbolical capture of this Corona situation, where we all have the same style; Corona Style. This painting is now on sale! Do not hesitate to contact me directly or welcome to visit this artwork presented at online gallery Singulart, clicking HERE.

This artwork is a commission work. If you would like to have a portrait of yourself, your loved ones or maybe some idols or celebrities, just find a perfect profile picture and send it to me. We will then make a deal for the price and dimensions of the artwork. An original portrait it is always a great surprise for a birthday gift, marriage, Valentine´s day or any other occasion to show someone how special she/he is..

Girl with super powers * acrylic colors on canvas, framed * 54x44cm * made in 2021

This artwork is inspired by the film series “The Umbrella Academy”. I believe that every person at some point in life thinks, dreams or wish to have a super powers. Well, what kind of super powers would you like to have, if possible? What do you think what kind of super powers this young lady has? Would you like to have this painting on your wall? Do not hesitate to contact me directly for more info about this artwork or visit online gallery Singulart, klicking HERE.

The secrets are part of our life. Sometimes we are not allowed to tell something, sometimes we do not want anyone find out something. However, some people love secrets and feel special when they can hide something, and some people hate the secrets because they can not feel free if they have to hide something. Some people are just not good in keeping secrets.. How about you? Do you have secrets or you share everything easily with public? This artwork was actually inspired by watching film series “Pretty little liars” which I was watching with my daughter and while watching I was reflecting a lot about this thematic of lies, secrets, hiding, pretending… Secrets can be very romantic and nice, but they can be also very frustrating and heavy, for our mind, our soul and mental health. Welcome to visit more photos of this artwork at Singulart online gallery, clicking HERE.

Salvador Dali portrait * acrylic colors, charcoal and varnish on canvas, framed 43x33cm * made in 2021 in Berlin

This portrait of Salvador Dali has actually an ironical and provocative title: “Talented idiot or crazy genius?” Well, Dali is one of the most famous artists in history. His amazing artworks are definitely original and revolutionary, but there are many discussions about what kind of person he actually was? His personality and character, were many times described as egocentric and egoistic, not very kind or open.. However, this portrait is not just about him but also about famous personalities in general. Today even celebrities are judged and putted on test every day by ordinary people, because people are not scared anymore to say something against rich and influential people. Internet and social media brought an open and free ocean of comments, observations, opinions, critics.. and everybody can doubt about someone or put someone on question. Well, this portrait is already sold, but you welcome to visit it online at Singulart Gallery, where you can see more photos and infos about this artwork, clicking HERE.

This artwork is about the story of the artist, which paints the energy of art with her hair. This work of art is symbolic and speaks about the life of artists and art as a way of living the life. More thoughts and deeper description of this painting with more photos of it you can find on Singulart Gallery, clicking HERE.

If you interested in this artwork, welcome to CLICK HERE for getting more information and to see more photos of this painting, presented at Singulart Art Gallery.

This artwork is a story about the journalist, writing and reporting about the world, about the truth, about story for the history… There are so many issues to be written, to be discussed, to be reported and seen.. Welcome to read more about this artwork at Singulart gallery, where also more photos from this painting can be seen, clicking HERE.

This artwork is now available online at Singulart gallery. Click HERE to see more photos and learn more about it.

This artwork is a portrait of the most important man that I met in 2021 on the seaside in Slovenia, country I am coming from. You are welcome to see more photos of this artwork, clicking HERE and visiting it at Singulart gallery.

This artwork is available online at Singulart gallery. Read a description about this painting and view more photos from this artwork, clicking HERE.

This artwork is now available online at Singulart gallery. CLICK HERE to see more photos of this painting and read more about it.

This artwork is now on sale online at Singulart gallery. Welcome to see more photos of this painting, clicking HERE.

This artwork is now on sale online at Singulart gallery. Click HERE to read the description and other info about this painting and see more photos of it.

Blue Selfportrait * Acrylic colors, collage and varnish on canvas * 50x50cm

This artwork is now on sale online at Singulart Gallery. For more pictures and description, please CLICK HERE.

“She not satisfied” * Acrylic colors, charcoal and varnish on canvas * 50x40cm * Made in 2021 in Berlin

This painting is now on sale online at Singulart gallery. Welcome to CLICK HERE to learn more about this artwork, to read a description and see more photos of it.

” I can hear everything ” , Acrylic colors and varnish on canvas, 100x80cm , Berlin 2021

This painting is available online at Singulart gallery. CLICK HERE to see more photos of this artwork and read a description about it.

” What truth ? ” , Collage, acrylic colors and varnish on canvas *

This artwork is now available online at Singulart gallery. To learn more about this painting and see more photos of it, welcome to CLICK HERE.

.. Click on the pictures of the paintings or on the text under pictures to visit external link on Singulart gallery, where you can find more info and more photos of these artworks..


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