Individual exhibitions:
- “Weibliche Kunst”, Mariposa Project, AWO-Frankfurter Allee, Berlin, Germany 2017
- “Self-portrait, Re_Gallery, Koper, Slovenia 2017
- Caffè degli artisti, Berlin, Germany 2015
- Dijaški Dom Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia 2015
- Slovenian Embassy in Brussels, Belgium 2014
- “Exhibition for The Film“, Kunst Fabrik hb55, Berlin , Germany 2013
- “Human´s Life Time“, Dom Jožeta Potrča, Poljčane, Slovenia 2013
- Exhibition at Castel Štatenberg, Makole, Slovenia 2012
- Exhibition at Slovenian Embassy in Berlin, Germany 2011
- “Rdeča kri je nit umetnika“, Anna´s Gallery, Rogaška Slatina, Slovenia 2010
- Aurora Cafe´Gallery San Marco, Venice, Italy 2008
- “Cordone ombelicale od ombelico cordonale?“, Venice, Italy 2008
- “Designs, like notes in music“, Gallery Media Nox – MKC, Maribor, Slovenia 2007
- “Note e colori“, Cultural Circle Bertolt Brecht, Milan, Italy 2007
- Jazz Club Satchmo, Maribor, Slovenia, 2007
- “Horror vacui“, Academy of Fine Arts in Venice, Italy 2006
- KREŠ, Student Cultural Center in Slovenska Bistrica, Slovenia, 2005
- Social cultural center Macabra , Barcelona, Spain 2004
Group exhibitions:
- “Berlin Art Contest”, August35 Art Space, Berlin, Germany 2018
- “The Earth I Love”, Haegeumgang Theme Museum, Geoje, South Korea 2017
- “Art to Go”, Tunel Parezana-Valeta, Portoroz, Slovenia 2017
- “Super Power Women Show”, Projektraum Ventilator, Berlin, Germany 2017
- “Our Fukushima” at The House of Culture “Gligor Prlicev”, Ohrid, Macedonia 2017
- “Berlino in Arte”, August 35 Art Space, Sabrina Falzone Gallery & Art Nou, Berlin, Germany 2017
- “GAPI-Solidarity & Hope”, Cultural Center Achterolmen, Maaseik, Belgium 2017
- “ConCorso Buenos Aires”, OpenArt Milano Association, Milan, Italy 2016
- Private Office Berlin, Marburger Straße 2, Berlin, Germany 2016
- “Portraits”, Kunstforum Arabellapark, München, Germany 2016
- “GAPI – My Fukushima”, Museum of Kumanovo, Kumanovo, Macedonia 2016
- “Environment & Coexistence”, Haegeumgang Theme Museum, South Korea 2016
- “Peaople & Eastern Art”, Ahvaz Museum of Contemporary Art, Tehran, Iran 2016
- “Gapi in Geoge island”, Haegeumgang Theme Museum, South Korea 2015
- “Eine Phase in meinem leben”, Projektraum Ventilator, Berlin, Germany 2015
- “Concorso in mostra”, Galleria Sabrina Falzone, Milan, Italy 2015
- “Arte a Palazzo“, Galleria Farini, Palazzo Fantuzzi, Bologna, Italy 2015
- “Atmosphere“, Art Gallery Accorsiarte , Turin, Italy 2014
- Art Spectrum Miami, EUART Panorama Europa Gallery, Miami, USA 2014
- “Morphos II“, Palazzo Albrizzi, Venice, Italy 2014
- “Pink gets red“, Art Gallery Rosanna D´Adamo, Pescara, Italy 2014
- “La Quadrata“, Melograno Art Gallery, Livorno, Italy 2014
- “Sense of life“, Art Gallery Spazio Museale Sabrina Falzone, Milan, Italy 2014
- Espace Art Gallery, Bruxelles, Belgium 2014
- “Berlino in Arte”, AquabitArt Gallery, Berlin, Germany 2014
- “The Curious Art Pie Show”, Curious Duke Gallery in London, United Kingdom 2014
- Re:Gallery, Koper, Slovenia 2011
- Neuköllner Kunstsalon, Berlin, Germany 2010
- TACHELES, Berlin, Germany 2010
- Gallery Krajcar, Isola, Slovenia 2008
- “Archipelago”, Nova Gorica, Slovenia 2008
- “Seek-refuge”, Academy of Fine Arts in Venice, Venice, Italy 2008
- “Real Presence”, The Museum of Modern Art Castello di Rivoli, Turin, Italy 2008
- “Giovani artisti studenti in mostra”, Gavazzana, Italy 2008
- “Interventor”, KargArt Gallery, Istanbul, Turkey 2008
- “Micro Art”, Red church, Milan, Italy 2008
- “ArteXRegalo”, Cultural Circle Bertolt Brect, Milan, Italy 2007
- “Real Presence”, Belgrade, Serbia 2007
- “Okna v svet”, City Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia 2007
- “Labyrinth” – international exhibition of artist´s books, Konsthall Tumba, Sweden 2006
- “Real Presence”, Belgrade, Serbia 2006
- “Festival Buje”, Buje, Croatia 2006
- “Extempore” – art festival, Koper, Slovenia 2006
- “50×50”, KONS, Trieste, Italy 2006
- “Okna v svet”, The House of Culture, Gorizia, Italy 2006
- “Giovani artisti in mostra”, Fondation Bevilacqua la Masa, Venice, Italy 2005
Participations at international contemporary art fairs:
- “Art Spectrum Miami“, EUART Panorama Europa Gallery, Miami, USA 2014
- “ArtePadova”, International Contemporary Art Fair in Padua, Italy 2014
- “ArtePadova”, International Contemporary Art Fair in Padua, Italy 2013
- “Salon Art Shopping”, Contemporary Art Fair at Carousel du Louvre in Paris, France 2013
Participations at international contemporary art Biennials:
- “ArtExpo, Palermo, Italy 2015
- Biennial at Centro Cultural Borges, Buenos Aires, Argentina 2014
Publications in newspapers, catalogues and books:
- Catalogue of group exhibition “Environment & Coexistence” at Haegeumgang Theme Museum in Geoge island, South Korea 2016
- Catalogue of group exhibition “People & Eastern Art” at Ahvaz Museum for Contemporary art in Tehran, Iran 2016
- Interview article at Spanish magazine BlunBlun, Online 2015
- Interview article at international youth magazine Times of Youth, Online 2015
- Interview “Ne po trendih, po inspiraciji” written by Jana Juvan in Slovenian Newspaper “Večer“, 3th April 2015, Maribor, Slovenia 2015
- Book catalogue Contemporary Art of Excellence, first edition, published by Global Art Agency, United Kingdom 2015
- Catalogue of group exhibition “Arte in Palazzo”, Galleria Farini Concept, Palazzo Fantuzzi, Bologna, Italy 2015
- Over Art, art magazine, Year 3/ number 3, EA Editore, Italy 2014
- Interview article at online magazine Punto e Linea Magazine, Italy 2014
- Book “The best modern and contemporary artists 2014” curated by Salvatore Russo and Francesco Saverio, EA Editore in Palermo, Italy 2014
- Catalogue of the exhibition presented by Gallery Sabrina Falzone at the International Art Fair at Carousel du Louvre in Paris, France 2013
- Article at Slovenian local newspaper Panorama about solo show at “Dom Jožeta Potrča in Poljčane, Slovenia 2013
- Article in Slovenian newspaper “Bistriške novice” about solo show at Castel Štatenberg in Makole, Slovenia 2012
- Article in Slovenian newspaper “Panorama” about the solo exhibition at “Anina Galerija” in Rogaška Slatina, Slovenia 2010
- Article in Slovenian newspaper “Rogaške novice” about my art works presented at solo show in “Anina Galerija” in Rogaška Slatina, Slovenia 2010
- Two articles in Italian newspaper “il Secolo XIX – Basso Piemonte” about residency project of murals in Gavazzana, Italy 2008
- Catalogue of the short films festival „Mestre Film Fest“ at Cultural center Candiani in Mestre – Venice with the title „Corti&Web“, Italy 2007
- Art critic text written by Cinzia Bollino Bossi for the solo show at Cultural Circle Bertolt
Brecht „Note e colori“ in Milan, Italy 2007
- Catalogue of collective exhibition “Windows on the world”, Slovenia 2007
- Catalogue of group exhibition “Labyrinth” at “Kunsthall Tumba” in Sweden 2006
- Catalogue of group show “Windows on the world” in Slovenia 2006
- Article in Slovenian newspaper “Panorama”, written by art critic Mario Berdič about my art works presented at solo show at KREŠ Slovenska Bistrica , Slovenia 2005
- “Real Presence”, Italy 2008: ten days of living and working together with other young international artists for the final exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art “Castello di Rivoli” in Turin, Italy.
- “Gavazzana Murals Project”, Italy 2008: three weeks of living and working together with other five chosen young artists in Gavazzana (Italy) where each of us create a mural on the wall which stays there on the house of Gavazzana forever.
- “Real Presence”, Serbia 2007: two weeks in Belgrade (Serbia) working together with young international artists for a final exhibition.
- “Real Presence”, Serbia 2006: two weeks in Belgrade (Serbia) working together with international young artists for a final exhibition.