Collage paintings 2007/10


Since the beginning of my work as the artist the collage is always present in my art works. In 2006 I developed a special technique of collage-painting which I started to use on canvas and wood. This collage is usually started with black and white or (occasionally) colored photographic prints on normal paper, A4 size. These photos are usually the ones taken by me or people around me and represent the reality I live in. When this collage of photos fills the space on canvas, then the process of work continues with painting on it with acrylic colors. I paint on the collage to manipulate the photos of the real world. Sometimes I also use dry pastels, charcoal or permanent marker. These collage paintings are normally very full of images and colors which represent life stories, like in a film, and do not show just a moment as is more usual in classic paintings or photography. Quite often pieces of mirrors also appear on these collage-paintings, which I attach on canvas to give the spectator a possibility to see himself in an art work which he is observing. Symbolically and physically the mirror is a reflection of the reality and light; it gives movement to the canvas and lets reality participate within it. In this way the artwork is always changing together with the reality it has in front. This technique of collage-painting is also used in series Melody (2007/08), Made in Berlin (2009/11) and Postcards (2011).

Artworks from this series have been to date exhibited at these exhibitions:
– Solo exhibition Homo sapiens sapiensss at Gallery Mizzart in Lubljana, Slovenia 2008
– Solo exhibition The Cord, Academy of Fine Arts and my studio apartment in Venice, Italy 2008
– Solo exhibition at Aurora Café Gallery at San Marco, Venice, Italy 2008
– Group Residency exhibition in Gavazzana, Italy 2008
– Group exhibition Real Presence at Castello di Rivoli, Turin, Italy 2008
– Group exhibition at Gallery Krajcar in Izola, Slovenia 2008
– Solo exhibition at Anna´s Gallery, Rogaška Slatina, Slovenia, November 2010
– Group exhibition at Re:Gallery in Koper, Slovenia 2011
– Solo exhibition at Slovenian Embassy in Berlin, Germany 2011
– SOlo exhibition at Castel Štatenberg in Makole, Slovenia 2012
– Solo exhibition Human Life at Dom Jožeta Potrča, Slovenia, April 2013

For more information about this series and artworks from this series do not hesitate to contact me at:

07 gavazzanaTime project Gavazzana
collage painting with acrylic colors and special weather resistance varnish on panel
Gavazzana, Italy 2008
This artwork was created for Gavazzana Murales Project during our art residence there in summer 2008. Artwork is fixed on the wall of the house on the streets of Gavazzana, where I decided to be it´s place. It is part of the house now, just like a mural, but this time made with my special technique of collage painting.

Last winter
Collage painting on canvas
Venice 2008

05 b Wien copy
Collage painting with acrylic colors on canvas
Venice 2008

05 Wien copy
Collage painting with acrylic colors on canvas
Venice 2009

Collage painting
Life story
Collage painting with acrylic colors on canvas
Venice 2009

12 copy
Collage painting with acrylic colors on canvas
Berlin 2009

04 copySelf-portrait
Collage painting on wood
Venice 2007

03 copy
Art is freedom
Collage painting with acrylics and wax on wood
Venice 2008

Collage painting
Long Story
Collage painting with acrylic colors on canvas
Venice 2008

Collage paintingSelf-portrait
Collage painting with acrylic colors on canvas
Venice 2008

Collage painting
Story from the History
Collage painting with acrylics on canvas
Venice 2008

Collage painting
Collage painting with acrylic colors on canvas
Venice 2007

09 cela copyRunning around ourselves
Collage painting with acrylic colors and mirror on canvas
Venice 2008

10 copyLooking for diamonds
Collage painting with acrylic colors on canvas
Diptych: 50x60cm and 30x60cm
Berlin 2009

Collage painting
Game of Power
Collage painting with acrylic colors on canvas
56x76cm with frame
Venice 2008

01 copy
Acrylic colors on canvas
36x46cm with frame
Venice 2008

18. hiding copyHiding
Collage painting with acrylic colors on canvas
Berlin 2009

We are like trees
Collage painting with acrylic colors on canvas
Diptych: 100x30cm and 100x50cm
Berlin 2010

Collage painting with acrylic colors on canvas
Berlin 2010

Quiet night with double faces
Collage painting on canvas
Berlin 2010

04 c copy
Gold Traveller
Collage painting on canvas
36x86cm with frame
Venice 2008
